3 home remedies for vaginal itching

Women suffer vaginal itching at any age and from time to time.

READ:6 vaginal hygiene mistakes

Vaginal itching, irritation or burning in the vagina/vulva usually caused by yeast or bacteria infections, irritants, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and more can be very uncomfortable.

In some cases, these infection presents itself as swelling or redness with serious itching around the vagina and vulva with smelly discharge (or not), it also causes discomfort during urination and generally.

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Even before using medications to stop vaginal itching, you need ensure a proper hygiene as well as stay healthy. These three home remedies work for the common itching:

1. Ice Cube (Cold Compress)

Use ice cubes for instant relief from vaginal itching. Place the cubes on the affected area to reduce the itching/inflammation.


-Wrap ice cubes in a clean towel and secure.

– Apply the wrapped ice on the vagina for a few minutes

-Take a break every 30/40 seconds before reapplying

– Repeat as needed until you are relieved

-Rinse the affected area with cold water

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Mix

Apple Cider Vinegar works well for antibacterial and anti fungal treatments.

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Apple cider vinegar helps restore the natural pH balance of your vagina.


-Add two tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a warm glass of water

-Wash the vagina with this solution every morning and night for a few days

3. Honey + Apple Cider Vinegar

-Add two tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of raw honey

-Add warm water to the mix (to taste)

-Drink this solution every morning and night for a few days.

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If itching persists, consult a doctor

Watch a video on vagina hygiene below.

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