14 Foods you should Never Eat Before Bed to Lose Weight

If you could blink and lose weight, wouldn’t that be amazing? Since it can be dismissed as wishful thinking, we do have to work a bit and concentrate on straightening our daily diet (switch to healthy diets such as Rati Beauty), bringing in regular physical activity, and by sleeping well! Yes, it seems you can manage to drop a few pounds by doing nothing but just having a good sound sleep. You can workout like crazy and “renounce” all form of food, but if you don’t get that mandatory 7 hours of sleep, no significant weight loss is going to happen. In fact, being a night owl, can make you put on weight. Also, eating processed and calorie-dense food right before bedtime can move all of it in the fat-storage area of the body. The worse thing is the wrong kind of food can make you “wake up hangry,” and you would feel ravenous in the morning, craving for high-calorie and sugary foods. A good night’s sleep is essential for the body to reset its metabolism, for recovery of cells, to lower hunger hormone “ghrelin,” to increase satiety hormone “leptin,” and to balance out various fat-burning hormones. Instead of soundly sleeping, if you are tossing and turning around in the bed, probably the last meal you had right before bed is to be blamed. Also, certain foods can give you a sugar rush, certain others can cause heartburn, acid reflux, all leading to disrupted sleep. You can count all the sheep in the world, but it would be a huge task to fall asleep if you have had one of these foods before hitting the bed. On the same note, certain foods can further lower metabolism and lead to weight gain.

Why Good Sleep is Important for Losing Weight?

Good sleep and weight loss are both interconnected and directly proportional. If you sleep for 8 hours straight every night, you would lose weight and if you have lost weight, you would sleep better. This is how it can happen – Sleeping for only 4 or 5 hours per night triggers the production of ghrelin (hunger hormone) and lowers the levels of leptin (fullness hormone). Also, people who sleep for 8 hours lose more fat without losing “precious” muscle. Having a sound sleep also boosts metabolism and lowers the production of stress hormone. So, sleep your way to weight loss instead of binging on Netflix and spending hours on social media which would disturb circadian rhythm, making it difficult for you to fall asleep peacefully.

14 Foods you should Never Eat Before Bed to Lose Weight:

1. Citrus fruits: Having fruits instead of unhealthy snacks is a good idea, but not right before hitting the sack because citrus fruits have high acid content and can make you toss around in the bed due to acid reflux.

2. Diet soda/cold drinks: These things are loaded with empty calories with no nutritious benefit. These empty calories can cause sharp weight gain.

3. Processed food with high sodium: A small packet of instant noodles or chips does not seem much, but right before bed, with its high sodium content, not only is there an increased chance of weight gain, the high salt content would make your face puffy in the morning.

4. Pizza: A slice of pizza is the Achilles heel for all of us on a diet – we do not seem to exercise any restraint, but keeping away that pizza would help you sleep well because it is loaded with carbs, fats, high sodium – all of which can shoot your weight up.

5. Avoid Nutrient-dense High-Calorie food: Walnuts, almonds, cashewnuts are all healthy no doubt and are highly nutritious, but having them just before bed, is not a good idea, where most of them would get stored as fat.

6. Pakoras/French Fries: Fried food is too delicious to put away, but even as a cheat meal, these things are not good. Also, it might lead to acid reflux.

7. Ice cream: It will lead to insulin spike and shoot up blood sugar levels, preventing you from sleeping well by increasing cortisol level. Also, high calories would trigger fat storage when metabolism is lowest at ight.

8. Avoid Thermogenic Foods: Having thermogenic foods during the day is good to boost weight loss, but not at night where they would raise core temperature and prevent the body into going into a rest mode.

9. Tomato: Salad with tomatoes can cause acid reflux, so it’s best to avoid tomatoes just like other citrus fruits.

10. Foods that can cause Bloating: Beans, onions, cauliflower sabzi may cause bloating and prevent you from having a good sleep at night.

11. Coffee: The caffeine content in coffee can sharply affect sleep time and delay the body’s clock. Certain studies have revealed that having coffee 6 hours before bedtime the total sleep time by 1 hour, so have your cuppa of coffee at least 7 hours before bedtime.

12. Dark Chocolate: Ditto as above, dark chocolate has caffeine content that prevent you from having a good shut eye.

13. Fruit Juice: High sugar content can cause sharp insulin spikes and all the extra calories get stored as fat.

14. Cakes/muffins/cookies/biscuits: Made from refined flour, they have loads of sugar, empty calories, and give you that unnecessary sugar rush at night and the risk of weight gain is high.

Lose as Much Weight as Possible by Following These Rules
10 Foods That Burn Fat While You Sleep

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