12 Non-Negotiables For Successful Weight Loss

When you take a resolve to lose weight and become a better version of yourself, there is a set of rules or non negotiables that you should absolutely follow to achieve successful weight loss, both on the scale and other non-weighing scale victories (increased energy, clothes fitting better, inflated confidence, etc.) You have to give up certain unhealthy factors because they are the biggest roadblocks to get to a fitter you. When you don’t follow these rules, losing weight would definitely become an uphill task and at one point, you would rather give up the fight than continue struggling. On the other hand, when you execute these non-negotiables into your weight loss journey, losing weight would be a cakewalk, and the best part is that these are quite easy to follow, and does not include “starve all through the day and survive only on cucumbers and carrots” futile strategies). So, let’s dive to find out what non negotiables are are actually talking about:

1. Following the Right Kind of Diet: A good diet will never force you to eat cucumbers and drink detox water all day to burn fat. Our bodies need a optimum amount of calories and nutrition to function smoothly. Our daily diet should be able to supply enough protein, vitamins, fiber, complex carbs, mineral, and healthy fats so that all hormones function properly and fat-burning enzymes remain active. Skimping calories, without thinking about nutrition does not lead to weight loss, in fact, it’s not a sustainable way to shed fat either. That’s why, start on healthy diet programs, such that on Rati Beauty, which do not deprive you of food, in fact they promote healthy eating to burn fat. Download the Rati Beauty app to find out how you can lose weight by eating healthy food.

2. Remaining in Calorie Deficit: A calorie deficit occurs when a person consumes fewer calories than those burnt while exercising, resting, or performing basic bodily functions. In contrast, a calorie surplus occurs when a person consumes more calories than those that are burnt, leading to weight gain. In order to have a calorie deficit, one must cut down 500 calories to lose weight smoothly without starving, dipping energy levels, or affecting bodily functions. For women, the number of calories must not drop below 1200 calories per day, and for men, it should not fall below 1500 calories per day. Read about 18 Awesome Tips to Create Calorie Deficit to Lose Weight.

3. Regular Exercise: We have mentioned earlier too that weight loss is all about 80% diet and 20% exercise. It’s possible to lose weight with dieting alone, but your body will not look toned unless a little bit of exercise is done to shape up the muscles. Also, exercise is necessary to direct the body to use up all the stored fat in order to slim down.

4. Movement throughout the Day: It’s not just enough to exercise for just 20 or 30 minutes in a day and sit at the desk or lie down on the couch for the rest of the day. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis helps burn a few calories here and there through the day, and that includes dancing in the shower or getting up from the desk every half an hour, or just even fidgeting your legs when you are sitting! Read  how you can Burn Calories with NEAT activities through the day in this post.

5. Minimum 7 Hours of Sleep: Do nothing but just sleep well through the night to lose weight, and they call it beauty sleep for no reason. Sleep deprivation can make you gain weight, slow down metabolism, throw hormones off whack, increase inflammation, and stall all repair and renewal processes at the cellular level. Having a bad sleep also will increase your cravings for unhealthy and high-calorie food in the morning. Also, when you sleep less, stress hormone “cortisol” increases and this hormone can literally make you fat.

6. Stress Management: In the earlier point, we have mentioned how less number of sleeping hours can increase the stress hormone “cortisol,” which causes weight gain, slows down metabolism, and sabotages all efforts towards losing weight. Do practice simple stress management techniques such as playing with a pet, meditating, exercise, going for a brisk walk, listening to music, or just take a nap to lower the level of cortisol.

7. Self Love: When you start loving yourself, you will appreciate the processes that will lead to you a healthier you. Being body positive doesn’t mean you cannot make efforts to shed extra kilos that are coming in between you and good health. Negative attitude and a negative body image will pull you down and incapacitate weight loss efforts. Love your body, feed it with healthy food, and lose extra pounds to feel healthy.

8. Including Whole Foods: Whole foods instead of refined ones are absolutely necessary not only to lose weight but also for great health. Food that has not been processed, without any added salt, sugar, or preservatives, and get to your plate in their natural form are considered whole foods. Vegetables, cereals, whole grains, fruits, legumes all come under whole foods. Without them in your diet, it’s hard to shed pounds.

9. Drink Loads of Water: Water helps weight loss in multiple ways – it helps burn fat, keeps digestive system smooth, curbs appetite, flushes out toxins, lowers water retention. Drink water whenever you can, do not wait for the body to send out thirsty signals which most of us interpret as “hunger signals,” leading to unnecessary snacking and accumulation of extra calories that the body will most store as fat.

10. Cut Down on Added Sugar: The biggest benefit of giving up added sugar is weight loss! Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body, but it is also a fat-storage hormone which helps the body to store fat predominantly in the belly region. Once you give up added sugar, along with regular exercise and dieting, you can see significant weight loss. There are sneaky ways sugar is finding its way into your daily diet and it’s imperative to to cut back on added sugars to lose weight. Added sugar can be found is found in cupcakes, candies, chocolates, etc., but sugar isn’t always presented, in its simple form in processed foods. It’s extremely important to look at the ingredient list of packaged food to figure out how much extra sugar is added. Look out for these names in ingredients list. Here are some common food items where you can find hidden sugars.

11. No Junk or Processed Food on a Daily Basis: Junk food or processed food can be part of a rare indulgence, not of a healthy diet. Junk food/processed food can put you at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc. Here’s how you can 20 Clever Ways to Train your Brain to Resist Junk Food.

12. Eating Adequate Protein and Fiber: Protein is considered to be an essential nutrient required for growth and repair of cells, and when it comes to weight loss, it is considered an indispensable nutrient because it keeps you full for longer, boosts metabolism, curbs appetite, maintains lean muscle mass, and most importantly, is needed for the synthesis of fat-burning hormones. Talking about fiber, it is needed to maintain a healthy digestive system, clears constipation, regulate blood sugar levels, improves overall health. Fiber also helps to curb appetite, reduces belly fat, and thus helps with weight loss too. Fiber also helps reduce appetite to a great extent by regulating the production of hunger hormone “ghrelin.” Since fiber has low glycemic index, it also does not spike up insulin and thus reduces the chance of extra calories getting stored up as fat in the body.

Additionally, fill at least half of your plate with vegetables and see those pounds come off! Do not compromise on vegetables because most of them are low in calories, contain essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that will boost your weight loss efforts.

Hope you can include these Non Negotiables to achieve Successful and Sustainable Weight Loss.

18 Awesome Tips to Create Calorie Deficit to Lose Weight
How To Burn Calories with Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis



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