10 Ways To Get Rid of Scalp Acne Due To Dandruff


Those of us who suffer from dandruff know that apart from distributing dry flakes all over and triggering hair fall, it can also give rise to those terrible and painful itchy red bumps. Scalp acne is a common problem, especially if you have an oily scalp! In fact, dandruff is not the only reason for scalp acne, it can happen because of your excessively active oil glands and even hormonal imbalance as well. In this post, we we are going to share some ways to get rid of pesky bumps and scalp acne due to dandruff.

Causes of Scalp Acne:

A number of factors are responsible for scalp acne, and here are the major ones:

  • Hormonal imbalance that often leads to over-active oil glands
  • Dandruff problem
  • Frequent application of hairstyling products that cause buildup.
  • Over-exposure to heat.
  • Seasonal changes.
  •  Wrong dietary habits.
  • Unclean scalp due to irregular shampooing and poor hair care routine.
  •  Hereditary factors.

Basic Routine To Follow To Treat Scalp Acne:

Hence the first step to treating scalp acne to ensure that you do away with any or many of these causes which can be responsible for your scalp acne. Try to treat dandruff as early as possible. Clean your scalp regularly and ensure that you allow no buildup. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, drink loads of water and never expose your scalp to the direct rays of sun if you are already suffering from scalp acne. Take proper care of your hair and scalp. You should also see a physician to see if it’s because of your hormonal problems.

1. Use the right kind of shampoo. Use a mild shampoo which has healing properties. According to the nature of your problem, you can look for shampoos with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
2. Ideally, you should wash your oily scalp and hair every alternate day. This sounds exaggerated as we all know that excessive shampooing tends to damage hair, but using a natural hair cleanser like this reetha shampoo makes hair healthy, strong, and shiny as well.
3. Never use conditioners on your scalp. Apply conditioner on the length of the hair and at the ends.
• Use hair cleansing products containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, coal tar, cortisone, zinc and such other ingredients do help.
• It is equally important to know what you need to avoid in your hair care products – propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil, alcohol, lanolin and parabens are some of them.

Home Remedies To Treat Scalp Acne:

Regular use of home remedies is very helpful in treating scalp acne. However you need to be religious in following them and be patient.

1. Rub fresh garlic on your scalp acne as well as the areas around them.
2. Grind small onions and squeeze out the juice. Massage on the scalp and leave it on. Do it at least 2 hours before you shampoo. This can be done everyday or on alternate days. Apart from treating scalp acne, it also treats hair loss problem.
3. Boil neem leaves in water and use it as a hair rinse. As we all know, neem has antiseptic properties and is good at treating all forms of acne.
4. Mix rose water and lime juice in equal quantities and leave it on for at least for one hour on your scalp. Rinse with a mild shampoo.
5. Use a paste of fenugreek and water to treat scalp acne.
6. Try adding a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo while cleansing your hair.
7. Reduce the intake as well as application of oily products. They aggravate the problem of acne.
8. Do not use things which transfer the oil on your face to your scalp. One such thing is a headband.
9. Keep your pillow covers clean and never share towels with anyone else.
10. Drink lots of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Above all, do not forget to consult a dermatologist if the problem persists or gets worse day by day.

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