10 Ideas to Spice Up Your Next Christmas Party

Even if you’re not particularly religious, and even if you don’t celebrate Christmas as a holiday in the traditional sense, you likely enjoy Christmas parties. Whether you celebrate with family members, friends, coworkers, or some amalgamation of these groups, it’s a perfect opportunity to get together with people close to you and honor the season with enticing traditions.

While the repetitive tradition element is a big part of what makes Christmas parties and Christmas celebrations work, it can also get a bit dull with time. Eventually, you’ll want to find new ways to spice up your Christmas party, so it remains fresh, interesting, and engaging for everyone involved.

Ideas to Spice Up Your Next Christmas Party

These are some of the best ideas for spicing up your next Christmas party:

  1. Choose a theme. Christmas is a theme unto itself. Most people hosting Christmas parties have multicolored lights, wreaths, pine trees, and snow-related decorations – as well as Christmas music playing in the background. But if you want to set yourself apart or do something different, consider choosing a different theme for your Christmas party; for example, you could have a secondary theme related to outer space or the ocean. Decorate accordingly.
  2. Install a wood stove. When it comes to cozy winter vibes, it’s hard to beat the aesthetics and functionality of a classic wood stove. And if you have one burning and ready to go when the party starts, your guests are going to love it. Plus, when your guests go home, you’ll have a supplementary source of heating that can keep you warm throughout the winter – and even help you cook in novel ways.
  3. Do more than a “Secret Santa.” It’s a classic tradition for many Christmas parties to have some sort of “Secret Santa” gift exchange. There’s certainly nothing wrong with this, but if you’re trying to spice things up, you’ll need to go above and beyond this classic formula. For example, you could add strange requirements to the gift purchasing process or turn the exchange into a lively game.
  4. Incorporate new tech. Consider incorporating new technology into the design, layout, or activities of your party. For example, 3D projectors can make the exterior of your home come alive – and a virtual reality (VR) headset could provide entertainment for the whole evening.
  5. Give out goodie bags or other takeaways. Help people remember this party by giving out goodie bags or other, similar takeaways. Sending people home with half a dozen cookies, a Christmas-themed trinket, and something genuinely practical will have them clamoring to come back to your place for next year’s Christmas party.
  6. Get creative with snacks and treats. There are tons of delicious, traditional options for snacks and treats to have at a Christmas party, but it’s valuable to think outside the box if you want to make the event more memorable. For example, you can set out exotic foods from other countries that no one else has tried before – or present more familiar foods in unconventional ways.
  7. Upgrade the wine. Consider upgrading the wine. That doesn’t mean splurging on more expensive bottles, but instead means mulling the wine with fruit and spices; it’s a simple twist that can really elevate this classic beverage.
  8. Have a hot chocolate bar. If you’re more interested in non-alcoholic beverages, consider making a hot chocolate bar. Give people the opportunity to mix hot chocolate the way they want, with all the toppings they could ever desire.
  9. Set the right mood. Take the time to set the right mood for your party before guests even arrive. Some people want their Christmas party to feel exciting, vibrant, and enthusiastic, while others want a calmer, more relaxed setting. Any option is viable with the right combination of colored lights, music, and aromas.
  10. Encourage donations and charity. Christmas makes people more charitable, and for a variety of reasons. Lean into this by encouraging your guests to donate, volunteer, or simply do good for other people. You can recommend specific charities you’ve worked with in the past or encourage people to find their own causes.  

Getting Feedback

If you want to be a perfect host, and host an even better party next year, consider gathering more feedback from your guests. What did they love? What would they like to see return? Do they have any ideas for what you could do next year? Most of your guests will insist they had a good time, but they may have observations or novel ideas that can help you host an even better party next time.

Hosting a great Christmas party doesn’t have to be complicated or require much forethought. Most people attend these types of holiday parties simply to enjoy the company of others and relax a bit. If you can produce a welcoming, calming environment, that’s all you truly need – but if you want to go a step further, you now have several ideas to experiment with.

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